ATL – Above The Line

  1. Television – Ads on Local, National, International
  2. Print Media
  3. Radio

BTL – Below The Line

  1. Direct Mail
  2. Sponsorship
  3. Trade Shows & Exhibitions
  4. E-mail Marketing
  5. Targeted Search engine Marketing
  6. In store promotion

Above the Line (ATL) lies within a company’s major marketing activities, including branding, advertising and promotion efforts. ATL consists of long-term strategies that are intended to establish strong connections with an identified audience. Examples of ATL strategies include television and radio commercials, print advertisements, and online campaigns, billboard campaigns and digital video ads.

Below the Line (BTL) is placed in smaller-scale marketing tactics that typically employ low costs and shorter term rules, such as discounts aimed at heavily populated demographic markets. BTL encompasses all areas of direct response, reaching consumers directly through fields such as direct mail, email, targeting in social media channels or public relations events, sampling stations at shopping centers, coupons in the mail, popup shops, promotional staff in stores, etc.

While both ATL and BTL methods should be used together as part of comprehensive marketing strategies for success. Require a great deal of strategic planning and execution to be successful, their differences make them ideal complementary partners for most businesses.